The 10-time world champion residing in Tarifa and the Sevillian presenter will close the round of interventions before the closing of the great Blue Economy meeting
The Blue Zone Forum-Innovazul 2024, organized by the Zona Franca, Incubazul, University of Cádiz and CEI-Mar Foundation, will bring together important national and international figures of the Blue Economy at the Palacio de Congresos from November 20 to 22

The youngest kitesurfing world champion in history, Gisela Pulido, and the Andalusian comedian and television presenter Manu Sánchez will be protagonists of the inspirational talks on the last day of the Blue Zone Forum-Innovazul 2024, the great Blue Economy meeting organized by them. the Free Trade Zone, with Incubazul, the University of Cádiz and the CEI-Mar Foundation and which will be held between November 20 and 22 at the Palace of Congresses of Cádiz. Gisela Pulido and Manu Sánchez will close the day on Friday the 22nd and will put the finishing touch with their interventions before the closing.
Gisela Pulido, born in Barcelona although closely linked to the province of Cádiz since she and her family moved to Tarifa in 2005, was proclaimed freestyle kitesurfing world champion in November 2004, at just ten years old. In this way, she achieved a Guinness record as the youngest kitesurfing world champion in history. Since then he has not stopped, his record has been growing and adding titles and recognitions year after year.
The athlete will present her experience and the way to face the fear of failure and how to react in difficult situations, in addition to making visible entrepreneurship, talent and her career linked to the sea. As Gisela Pulido has always said in her interviews, “if you want to achieve success you have to dedicate yourself to something that makes you happy, that you are passionate about.”
Pulido's sporting career has been a series of successes and he has participated in the last Olympic Games held this year in Paris, although he had to say goodbye without being able to compete in part of the events that could give him access to the medals. The reason was the lack of wind to be able to carry out the necessary regattas that would have given them access to the final phases and to be able to compete for the metals.
The presence of the comedian and television presenter Manu Sánchez will give a special touch to the last day, in an intervention focused on Andalusian talent, on the potential of the Andalusian socioeconomic and entrepreneurial fabric, with his peculiar style and highlighting his spirit of improvement, strength and vitality after a time faced with situations of adversity.
In this talk, Manu Sánchez will share his business successes and even the less idealized aspects of his journey, making it clear that entrepreneurship is for those who are truly convinced, and not an obligation or a path for everyone. His intervention will be an invitation to listen to an honest and critical vision of entrepreneurship from the voice of someone who has experienced all its aspects. Without magic formulas or promises of guaranteed success, Manu Sánchez will talk about the challenges and rewards of starting a business in Andalusia and the value of facing this adventure with your feet on the ground. In an increasingly competitive environment, its message to young people is clear: entrepreneurship is a valid option, but it is not the only way to add value and achieve personal fulfillment.
The interventions of Gisela Pulido and Manu Sánchez will put the final touch on the last day of the event, which will take place on Friday, November 22, the day on which the official closing will be held and on which other actions, such as workshops, are planned in parallel. , investor forums, the Blue Women Forum and the presence of the well-known meteorologist Mercedes Martín, among others.
For three days, Cádiz will once again be a center of reflection and knowledge around the Blue Economy with the help of the Free Trade Zone of Cádiz, Incubazul, the University of Cádiz and the Campus of Global International Excellence of the Sea (CEI·Mar), that this year they join their efforts to once again turn the capital of Cadiz into the great forum of the sector and bring together entrepreneurs, companies, institutions, experts, the scientific community and lecturers in the city. There will also be a stand area where you can attend live demonstrations of the different startups and exhibiting companies.