Blue Economy for a sustainable future

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Belgian economist Gunter Pauli popularized the concept of the blue economy in his book The Blue Economy. Since then, the Blue Economy has become a relevant economic field, standing out for its potential to generate wealth, employment and economic growth while also having a great impact due to its ability to generate economic benefits in a sustainable manner through the use of marine and coastal resources. It covers activities directly or indirectly related to the oceans, sea and coast and is today an undisputed fundamental pillar for environmentally friendly economic growth. It can also contribute significantly to the diversification of the economy because by promoting innovation and entrepreneurship in sectors such as marine technology, biotechnology or coastal management, new business and employment opportunities that are so necessary today are created. Belgian economist Gunter Pauli He popularized the concept of the blue economy in his book The Blue Economy. Since then, the Blue Economy has become a relevant economic field, standing out for its potential to generate wealth, employment and economic growth while also having a great impact due to its ability to generate economic benefits in a sustainable manner through the use of marine and coastal resources. It covers activities directly or indirectly related to the oceans, sea and coast and is today an undisputed fundamental pillar for environmentally friendly economic growth. It can also contribute significantly to the diversification of the economy because by promoting innovation and entrepreneurship in sectors such as marine technology, biotechnology or coastal management, new business and employment opportunities that are so necessary today are created.

The Blue Economy worldwide, in Spain and Andalusia, presents significant figures that reflect its economic importance and its potential for sustainable growth. According to the Annual Economic Report on EU Blue Economy, the blue economy employs more than 690,000 people in Spain, and throughout the European Union it generates more than 1.6% of GDP. In Andalusia, the Blue Economy represents around 17,000 million euros, which is equivalent to 10.5% of the regional Gross Domestic Product with the generation of 300,000 jobs. Andalusia is strategically positioned as a key place for the development of the Blue Economy and it is one of the three leading autonomous communities in Spain along with Catalonia and the Canary Islands. The key: the combination of innovation and technology as a driver of sustainable economic progress.

The maritime-marine sector is one of the most important growth vectors for 2024. In Andalusia we have an extensive coastline that gives us a unique marine identity, reflected in our culture and economy. An emerging innovative ecosystem is being woven around it that has understood the importance of taking advantage of the opportunity and the sense of environmental urgency. In this sense, creating the government framework for the development of the Blue Economy has been a fundamental step to advance a model based on knowledge, innovation and sustainability. The Andalusian Sustainable Blue Economy Strategy (EA2) It is a key framework that promotes innovation, the protection of marine biodiversity, adaptation to climate change and the promotion of sustainable tourism in the coastal and marine environment. It is a pertinent and necessary strategy aligned with the European blue growth strategy, which aims to promote research and innovation in blue knowledge, as well as promote marine culture in Andalusia.

Focusing on promoting research, development and innovation of blue knowledge and promoting innovation for business development, the generation of innovative industrial communities and new entrepreneurial initiatives is key, as it is a joint task that must be guided for public-private collaboration in which an open governance model will help us move forward without leaving anyone behind.

To address this challenge, it is important to articulate a cohesive and collaborative ecosystem that promotes collaboration with Technology Companies with technology as a fundamental tool to achieve sustainable growth in ports and their environments in Andalusia. A reference in this aspect is the Incubazul Business Incubator. In the Free Trade Zone of Cádiz, this incubator houses more than 60 startups focused on entrepreneurship, innovation and the blue economy. It is an initiative that seeks to foster commitment to the environment and promote the development of innovative projects related to the Blue Economy. Its results show us that it is possible and should be undertaken in this sector with the necessary capabilities: one in every three startups hosted by Incubazul has already started its billing, among them Tudestino Sostenible, Productos La Salá and TrashPeak. Having a permanent call allows the constant incorporation of innovative startups with revolutionary proposals that stimulate open innovation.

Without a doubt, it is time to bet on innovation and think differently. Since marine ecosystems know no borders, it is essential to work together to address the environmental and economic challenges facing our seas. Collaboration between governments, companies, non-governmental organizations and local communities is key to ensuring responsible and equitable use of marine resources. At this level, the key to success is to understand that it is essential adopt local commitments set to the territory and act.

In this sense, the Andalusia Marine Maritime Cluster It is a fundamental pillar in promoting the Andalusian maritime sector, defending its interests, and creating an adequate legal framework for the development of said industry in Andalusia, Spain and the rest of the world. Innovative companies from different maritime subsectors with high technological qualifications in activities as diverse as fishing, aquaculture, shipbuilding, maritime transport, recreational boating, maritime research and training, ports and port activities, maritime extraction industries, maritime tourism and archaeology. submarines work with a shared vision: to make the blue economy in Andalusia a key lever of economic and social development and a benchmark in Spain and Europe. For them, it is time to take action and specify all the measures that must be implemented in order to promote Blue Growth in Andalusia. A roadmap that includes close cooperation between the university and research, local, supra-municipal, regional or central governments, as well as with citizens, the media and organizations that defend marine biodiversity.

The challenge we face is great. Today we are experiencing a clear increase in pressure on marine ecosystems, a clear need for investment in research and technology; the development of ocean regulation and governance. All of this has as an essential factor the development and attraction of innovative blue talent. Term that I allow myself to use to highlight that it is the human factor and strategic alliances that will respond to the challenges we address.

Now more than ever, innovation and an entrepreneurial mindset are contributing to the conservation of our oceans and opening up new opportunities for the growth and prosperity of coastal communities around the world. Let's keep him present, Without the global development of the blue economy, the future of the world will not be sustainable.


Source: Tribune of Andalusia