Incubazul, the incubator for projects linked to the blue economy launched in Cádiz at the end of 2021 thanks to Feder funds, hosts initiatives that put in black and white the business possibilities of this new discipline
The concept of blue economy It is still unknown to many. The Andalusian Government He included it in one of his portfolios in the last legislature but few know what they are. your real possibilities on a daily basis of the citizens. The making bags from tuna skin or innovation through new foods made with algae that promote a healthier diet These are just some of the proposals that come out of Andalusia with the intention of positioning themselves in the markets.
IncubAzul, the incubator for projects linked to the blue economy launched in Cádiz at the end of 2021 thanks to Feder backgrounds, hosts initiatives that put the business possibilities of this new discipline in black and white.
Your coordinator, José Manuel Fedriani, indicates that, as of December 31, 2023, they were 80 projects that had passed through this facility, located in the Free Trade Zone of Cádiz and which will soon move to a new location made with recyclable maritime containers, so that the blue and circular economies go hand in hand. A third of them already invoice. “The idea is that they become companies, not sources of self-employment.”, highlights.
Incubazul has as a partner Telefónica to promote business acceleration. “It allows us to detect talent, lbusiness ideas in the field of blue economy and facilitate speed up processes to make projects viable”, Explain Fedriani, who indicates thatThe profiles that usually arrive at the incubator are “scientists or technologists”, but without a business vision, hence the need for that more business support.
From the tuna, even to the skin
There is a popular saying that says: “of the pig, even the gait”. It can well be applied to the business idea you have. Luisa Fernanda Donoso with your project SkinTunaFish. Born with the purpose of “take advantage and valorize tuna skin waste“, so that they turn it into leather “with a clear objective of sustainability and environmental care”, avoiding chrome tanning, which accounts for more than 95% of global leather and leather production. “It is harmful to health and the environment”.
Donoso, a publicist by profession, began this journey when he had to choose a final year project while doing Fashion and clothing styling Art School in Cádiz. He combined these studies with his work in an advertising agency., which reduced its workforce due to the pandemic, a cut that directly affected it. Now, since his and her unemployment situation located in Incubazul since 2022, search investors to carry out this business idea.
“In countries like France they already tan salmon skin It comes from the sale of sushi but in Spain no one works with the skin of tuna or any other fish in general.”, explains Donoso. Right now, this entrepreneur needs have your project validated through scientific research that certifies its viability. “I am immersed in the search for financing to carry out the process”, he points out.
He has already begun to meet with firms in the sector with the aim of taking the leap to enter the market. and conform “a new business, which would need specific training and which would generate jobs in the province of Cádiz“, emphasizes Donoso.
Improve your diet with algae and vegetable proteins
Omnivorus is another of the startups hosted in Incubazul. New trends in consumer nutrition -that they carry reducing meat consumption– have been the germ of this startup dedicated to the creation of formulas to obtain proteins based on algae, fish, vegetables and meat for the formulation of food products whose smell, flavor and image are those of traditional foods.
“algae like salicornia are undervalued and underused, when they contain vitamins and minerals that are excellent for health and are found in the marshes of Cádiz and, in general, in all the marshes of the world”, highlights Silvia Ruiz-Berdejo, project director. Thus, they are recovering the use of the so-called 'sea asparagus’, which had been traditionally consumed in the area, as well as others of plant origin, such as carob, present in the recipes of our ancestors.
A line of salicornia-based snacks, chocolates produced through carob or functional drinks made with other types of algae These are just some of the proposals that are being formulated by Omnivorus, a company dedicated to the sale of formulations that can be translated into attractive products for the market. They also work on obtaining vegetable protein to include in burgers, sausages or meatballs, with the objective of Reduce the amount of meat by 50% without changing the flavor.

Omnivorus works on formulas with vegetable protein that reduce 50% of meat in sausages. / THE MAIL
meteoric projection
“The consumer is the one in charge and increasingly asks for more health and to know first-hand what he eats”, emphasizes Ruiz-Berdejo, who specifies that Omnivorus is dedicated to “sell the formulas that are then used by the food industry”.
Although they started in September, their projection is meteoric. “We are talking to several companies to see how we can work with them and we are already in the sales phase.”, announces.
Sources: ElCorreoWeb