Zona Franca already has final approval of the detailed study that will allow progress in the development of the exterior polygon

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The City Council of Cádiz gave its approval yesterday, just a week after the Provincial Heritage Commission of the Board reported it favorably.

The streamlining of administrative procedures to promote the development of the exterior industrial estate is one of the points included in the agreement signed between the Zona Franca and the City Council.

This new advance allows the presentation of the reparcelling and urbanization project to develop the plots of the outer industrial estate owned by the Consortium and implement the Base Zone and its blue economy incubator subsidized with Feder Funds.

The Cádiz Free Zone already has final approval of the detailed study that will allow it to advance in the development of the plots of its property in the outer polygon of the Free Zone, after the Cádiz City Council yesterday gave its approval to the document presented by the Consortium.

The study, which received the green light from the Provincial Heritage Commission of the Board a week ago, corresponds specifically to the execution units, bordering each other, UE-ZF-10 and UE-ZF-08, the latter being the one that It belonged to Ibérica Aga and Talleres Pastoriza where the Zona Base innovation and technological expansion center will be located, with the blue economy incubator subsidized by Feder Funds inside.

With the approval of the detailed study, the Free Trade Zone can present the reparcelling project and the urbanization project of that industrial zone, which also entails a boost in the development of the Base Zone, the innovation center that will occupy part of the UE-ZF-08, where companies with high technological content will be housed in maritime containers, gaining speed for easy installation while meeting sustainability and respect for the environment objectives.

Base Zone will also house the blue economy incubator subsidized with European funds within the Framework of the FEDER Operational Program of Andalusia 2014-2020, “A way of making Europe”, which is already operating in the Melkart building in parallel to the work in the outer polygon.

It is important to note that for the approval of the detailed study, the collaboration and agility in the process of the Cádiz City Council has been essential, with which a collaboration agreement was signed in October that in one of the points included the streamlining of the procedures. and precise procedures with the aim that these actions serve as a stimulus and model for the comprehensive change of the estate and give a boost to economic activity in the municipality.

In fact, the Cádiz Free Trade Zone plans that the rapid development of the Base Zone in the UE-ZF-08 will serve as a starting point for the global planning and general development of the entire exterior polygon, with an area of ​​550,000 m2, which They acquire greater value if the scarcity of available land in the city of Cádiz is taken into account.

In parallel with the administrative processing, the Consortium is currently drafting the basic and execution project for the Base Zone, a preliminary step for the bidding of the works and which is being carried out by the Cádiz architect Carlos Peinado of Carquero Arquitectura.