The Executive Committee today approved the tender to award the completion of the building and sanitation infrastructure work.
The work was suspended in its final stretch due to the abandonment of the work by the previous successful bidder, Díaz Cubero.

The Executive Committee of the Free Trade Zone of Cádiz has today approved the tender for the construction competition for the completion of the recycled maritime container building in the outer industrial estate that will house the Incubazul Blue Economy incubator and which was paralyzed three months ago, when it was already in operation. its final stretch, when the previous successful bidder Díaz Cubero abandoned the work due to its compromised financial situation. In fact, the Free Trade Zone, after approval by the plenary session, was forced to initiate the file to terminate the contract with Díaz Cubero because the construction company abandoned the works in the month of April.
With the new tender for the building work, which has an amount of 996,201.35 euros, the completion of the sanitation network work is also put out to tender, for an amount of 690,429.59 euros. Both works have a maximum execution period of 4 months.
The building, which is currently 85% complete, was designed by the Carquero Arquitectura studio with a total constructed area of 1,951.33 m2 y 1.415,73 m2 of terraces and open spaces distributed over three floors in height, in addition to the ground floor. The work on the sanitation networks, whose work has also been approved today, is currently 70% complete.
The work, with an investment of more than 3 million euros, has European co-financing through the Incyde Foundation of the Spanish Chambers of Commerce, specifically 80% by the FEDER within the Pluriregional Operational Program 2014-2020 within the 3: Improve the Competitiveness of SMEs, Thematic Objective 3 Improve the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises, and investment priority 3. Promotion of entrepreneurship, in particular, facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas, and promoting the creation of new ones companies, also through incubators.
It must be remembered that the building is designed to be a reference center for the circular economy in the city of Cádiz, an icon of the sustainable industry that will be projected from the outer polygon to the rest of the city, with a unique architecture in which The containers are given a second life – which usually have a useful life of 10-15 years.