EThe Biomedical Research and Innovation Institute of the province of Cádiz will collaborate in advising and supporting research on projects that are being accelerated in the Blue Economy incubator
Startups will have the possibility of accessing to research development
The delegate of the Free Zone of Cádiz, Fran González, and the person in charge of the Foundation for the Management of Biomedical Research of Cádiz, Julio Manuel Ríos de la Rosa, have signed today, within the framework of the Blue Zone Forum-Incubazul2024, a collaboration agreement by which the Institute of Biomedical Research and Innovation of the province (INIBICA) and the Cádiz Consortium join forces to work together on the acceleration program the startups housed in the Blue Economy incubator of the Cádiz Free Zone, Incubazul.
In this way, INIBICA will offer advice and research support to projects that are accelerating in the high-tech incubator of the Cádiz Free Zone and will also incorporate projects under development at INIBICA that meet the parameters of adhesion to the acceleration of Incubazul, which would establish a group of projects supervised by both Institutions.
Incubazul startups will have a new development path open since INIBICA will also facilitate and assess the appropriate formulas established by the entity for the growth of this type of projects. To this end, a mixed monitoring commission will be created made up of representatives of both parties, who will meet at least once a year. This commission will be in charge of coordinating and monitoring the actions planned and initiated.
With this agreement, the Cádiz Free Trade Zone, through Incubazul, expands the range of services offered to incubated startups since INIBICA will provide a new vision and expand the options for startups as it is the health research institute of the province of Cádiz. , whose mission is to generate knowledge through research and innovation to improve patient care and provide solutions to the population's main health problems.