Zona Franca de Cádiz collaborates with CSIC and UCA in the congress and awards of the Spanish Remote Sensing Association

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Remote sensing, remote detection using various tools, is applied in different fields ranging from agriculture to oceanography, including humanitarian work or the armed forces.

The Consortium delegate, Fran González, participates in the awards ceremony held tonight at the Baluarte de los Mártires


The Free Trade Zone of Cádiz has collaborated with the Higher Center for Scientific Research (CSIC) and the University of Cádiz (UCA) in the XX Congress of the Spanish Remote Sensing Association that is held in Cádiz from June 4 to 7 under the title “ Remote sensing and global change: challenges and opportunities for blue growth.

Specifically, the delegate of the Cádiz Consortium, Fran González, will speak at the AET Cádiz 2024 Awards ceremony, which will take place on Thursday night at the Baluarte de los Mártires. Fran González will present the awards, destined for the General Category for Best Contribution; Best Contribution Student Category; and Student Category for Best Poster, as well as their corresponding awards.

The Congress program has included 14 sessions, where a total of 189 scientific works will be presented in oral communications and posters that will deal with various topics, such as oceanography and marine resources, meteorology, forests and forest fires, agriculture or environment and resources, among other issues.

The Free Trade Zone of Cádiz, in its permanent work to attract talent linked to innovation, the Blue Economy, sustainability and the environment, collaborates as a sponsor of these awards that recognize the scientific work of its young authors.

The State delegate in the Cádiz Free Trade Zone, Fran González, has expressed satisfaction with the opportunity to collaborate in this type of actions “that promote the entrepreneurial and innovative fabric and the possibility of attracting talent, one of the fundamental objectives in those of us who are working from the Cádiz Free Trade Zone and its Blue Economy incubator, Incubazul.”

Our recognition of this work of young scientists and researchers linked to the environment, marine resources or oceanography has led us to participate and collaborate with CSIC and UCA because at Zona Franca we have always supported collaboration between administrations as an important element for development,” he added.

This Congress is a meeting point, organized by the Earth Observation group of the Institute of Marine Sciences of Andalusia (CSIC) and the departments of Earth Sciences and Applied Physics of the University of Cádiz, for the scientific, institutional community and business interested in remote sensing and it brings together the main actors involved in remote sensing for the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals, with the aim of reflecting on future challenges and opportunities.

The Spanish Remote Sensing Association is a scientific and professional network created in 1986 as the Remote Sensing Working Group (GTT). Later, in September 1988, it became the Spanish Remote Sensing Association, after registering in the registry of Associations of the Ministry of the Interior.

This entity has since held 20 scientific conferences and multiple technical meetings, becoming the leading professional association in this field. In addition, it has published the Spanish Remote Sensing Magazine uninterruptedly since 1993, on a biannual basis.