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SupYoga Orion

Estudio de Yoga creado para que te des espacio para ti, para que te nutras y vivas desde tu Ser. Un "SPA" de conexión con tu naturaleza, para que recuerdes quien eres y que todo esto es un juego cósmico.

We are beings in constant growth and change, and here you will find practices that will help you discover yourself, release limiting patterns and allow yourself to shine.
Through Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa, Integral, Kundalini Yoga, Yin, Restorative Yoga, SUPYoga, Hypnorespiration, Free Dance, online meditation, healing and self-knowledge courses and other tools to cultivate love within you.
These practices will help you discover yourself, give you calm in all transformations, learn to self-manage and inhabit the Earth and your Project from the Being.

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  • Wellness and health
  • Tourism and Environment

Startup Team

  • Ines Gonzalez Padilla - Managing Partner CEO
  • Daniel Pereda Murugarren - CEO Managing Partner