Representatives of the Social Council of the UCA visit the Free Trade Zone to get to know Incubazul

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The president, Federico Linares, accompanied by the vice-rector of Entrepreneurship of the UCA, Carmen Camelo, and several members have attended the exhibition of different startups of the incubator

Those responsible for the Social Council have also toured the laboratory, where they have been able to see “in situ” the work and experiments that some of the projects are carrying out.



The president of the Social Council of the UCA, Federico Linares, accompanied by the secretary of the Council, Olga de la Pascua, various members and the vice-rector of Entrepreneurship, Carmen Camelo, visited the Cádiz Free Trade Zone today to get a closer look at the incubator of Blue Economy, Incubazul, and the startups hosted therein.

Accompanied by the State delegate in the Free Trade Zone of Cádiz, Fran González, the representation of the Social Council of the UCA has seen first-hand the incubator laboratory located in one of the warehouses of the Europa Building, where they have been able to see the work and experiments carried out there by some of the startups.

Subsequently, those responsible for the Social Council moved to the Agora of the building where a selection of startups presented their projects. In this way, Mara & Price explained how his idea was born with the aim of offering an innovative vision to transform the way in which we interact with the digital world. In this context, they have created the VR Ecotourism project, which is a novel way of traveling and exploring natural environments through virtual reality, artificial intelligence and augmented reality and aims to provide virtual trips to ecological destinations in the Bay of Cádiz.

Eggon Technology has also exhibited its project, a pioneer in LegalTech with virtual learning solutions driven by private AI with sustainable methods, as well as Tecnoalgae D&B Tech, specialized in the cultivation and purification of microalgae; o Goplannet, a company that develops prototypes of gas storage tanks for diving, adaptable, ergonomic and recyclable.

The coordinator of Incubazul, Jose Fedriani, explained how Incubazul has developed and the current good progress of the incubator, through which 87 startups have already passed, a third of which are already billing and another third are in the process of consolidation and They already have a minimum viable product.

The delegate of the Free Trade Zone, Fran González, welcomed Federico Linares and his companions and served as their guide throughout the tour. González has pointed out that “the University of Cádiz is a very important part of the Incubazul ecosystem and it can be said with pride that a good part of the incubator's talent comes from the UCA classrooms.”