Ready, set… Incubazul!

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The High Technology Incubator of Cádiz becomes a desired platform for business promotion in its second call

Twenty-seven new business projects have chosen to join the Blue Economy technology incubator, Incubazul, through the second call to enter the comprehensive acceleration program, opened by the Cádiz Free Trade Zone, with the support of Telefónica and its Open platform Future. Incubazul is co-financed by the European FEDER Funds within the 2014-2020 Operational Program, A way of making Europe, through the INCYDE Foundation.

Most of these business initiatives have passed through the incubator's headquarters, where a pre-selection of projects in accordance with the bases of the call.

Committee of experts on Blue Economy

After the first selection, entrepreneurs of very different backgrounds and ages have presented their project to an evaluation committee, made up of experts in entrepreneurship and the Blue Economy. A "committee of wise men" in which the Naval Maritime Cluster of Cádiz, Navantia, the Local Council of Jerez, the mentors of Incubazul, Telefónica Open Future and technical staff of the Cádiz Free Trade Zone and Incubazul have been represented.

Sufficiently mature initiatives that pass both milestones will imminently enter a comprehensive acceleration program through the Telefónica Open Future methodology, collaborator in this project.

The selected projects will begin incubation on September 27, which will last for 4 months in which, with the added value of the tutoring and mentoring of the Telefónica team, they will lay the foundations and work on the construction of the business idea.

Incubazul, new pole of attraction for entrepreneurial ideas

All the pre-selected projects, which have represented a strong increase with respect to the first call, correspond to innovative and technology-based ideas related to the Blue Economy, located mostly in the province of Cádiz, but also in other parts of Andalusia. and the rest of Spain. A figure that indicates that Incubazul has earned an important niche as a magnet for entrepreneurial ideas.

Thus, among the subsectors that may have a presence in Incubazul, if finally selected, stand out experience tourism, new production systems, intelligent navigation, sustainable construction, underwater rescue systems or solidarity social networks.

Specifically, some of the products that the shortlisted companies propose to work on in the new Incubazul window will be swimwear made from recycled marine waste, garments made from tuna skin or 4G/5G connectivity for boats.

New opportunities to enter in January and May

But Incubazul offers more opportunities for entrepreneurship. Many more. The third entry BATCH will conclude in January 2023, for applications from October to December, and the fourth and last will close in May for applications from February to April.

Both the business projects that are now on the table and other ideas that are on the minds of future entrepreneurs of the Blue Economy, for which Incubazul will always have open doors, will be able to opt for them.

This High Technology Incubator project for the promotion and encouragement of innovation and technology transfer to micro-SMEs in the Blue Economy sector In Andalucia “[BlueEcoIncuba x Logistical]Tech = ZONA BASE – INCUBAZULthrough the INCYDE Foundation, It is financed 80% by the European Regional Development Fund within the Pluriregional Operational Program from Spain FEATHER 2014-2020 AFTER. “A way of making Europe” within axis 3: Improving the Competitiveness of SMEs, Thematic Objective 3 Improving the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises, and investment priority 3ª Fostering entrepreneurship, in particular, facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas, and promoting the creation of new companies, also through incubators.