Privacy Policy

Through this notice from the Cádiz Free Trade Zone Consortium with registered office at Edificio Sede Social, Ronda de Vigilancia, s/n 11011 Cádiz; Email address informs users of its portal about its personal data protection policy so that Users can freely and voluntarily determine if they wish to provide Consorcio de la Zona Franca de Cádiz with the Personal Data that may be required or that may be obtained. of Users on the occasion of subscription or registration in some of the services offered by Consorcio de la Zona Franca de Cádiz

Consorcio de la Zona Franca de Cádiz reserves the right to modify this policy to adapt it to legislative or jurisprudential developments as well as industry practices. In such cases, Consorcio de la Zona Franca de Cádiz will announce on this page the changes introduced with reasonable advance notice of their implementation.

Consorcio de la Zona Franca de Cádiz provides users with the appropriate technical resources so that, in advance, they can access this notice about the Privacy Policy or any other relevant information and can give their consent so that Consorcio de la Zona Franca de Cádiz proceeds to the automated processing of your Personal Data. Except in the fields where otherwise indicated, responses to questions about Personal Data are voluntary, and the lack of response does not imply a reduction in the quality or quantity of the corresponding services, unless otherwise indicated.




Cadiz Free Trade Zone Consortium

CIF: Q1176004H

Postal Address: Headquarters Building, Surveillance Ronda, s/n 11011 Cádiz



Respond to your query, request, suggestion and manage the type of relationship you have with us. No automated individual decisions or profiling will be made.


Legitimate interest that the company has in identifying the interested party and/or consent, which can be revoked at any time, although this will not affect the legality of data processing carried out previously.


They will not be transferred to third parties except to Public Administrations that request it by virtue of legal requirement. There will be no international data transfer


Your data will be kept for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected and to determine the possible responsibilities that may arise from said purpose and the processing of the data and until any responsibilities arising from the management expire. .


Interested persons have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether we are processing personal data that concerns them or not.

Interested persons have the right to access to your personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request its suppression when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.

Interested persons have the right to revoke or remove the consent granted for the processing of your data for specific purposes at any time.

In certain circumstances and for reasons related to their particular situation, interested persons may object to the processing of your data or part of it, in which case we will stop processing the data, except for compliance with any legal obligation.

In certain circumstances, interested persons may request the limitation of the processing of your data, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims and for compliance with any legal obligation.

In certain circumstances (when the treatment is carried out by automated means and is based on the consent of the interested parties), the interested parties may request the portability of your data so that they are transmitted to another person responsible.

Interested persons can exercise their rights by writing to the Data Controller and can obtain models for this exercise in the same email.

Interested persons have the possibility of submitting a claim when they have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of their rights before the Spanish Data Protection Agency ( ). Likewise, interested parties can obtain additional information about their rights by contacting the Spanish Data Protection Agency ( ).