“I can't think of a better location than Cádiz for Incubazul”

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Marina Claver is a communication and marketing professional, and she is the driving force behind Incubazul, the incubator specialized in the blue economy of Cádiz. In this interview, she tells us about some aspects of her work and the initiative she is part of and to which she contributes on a daily basis.

What is a high-tech accelerator?

A high-tech accelerator is a workspace that looks for projects in which technology and innovation are present in some way.

In programs like IncubAzul, we look for the talent of people who develop this type of innovative projects to make our resources available to them and push them to the next level.

What characteristics does the Incubazul High Technology accelerator have?

Well, as I mentioned before, it is a program that seeks this type of project to help them grow, enhance their strengths and reduce their weaknesses, create teams, nurture their network of contacts, prepare them to make the leap to the market with all the necessary tools, from a minimum viable product, to what is necessary to face an investment round.

Why such a space, based on the blue economy, in Cádiz?

I cannot think of a city whose history, culture, society and economy are more linked to the sea than Cádiz. A project of this type was a necessity in the area and the acceptance we are having on the part of the entrepreneurial ecosystem confirms this idea.

How do you see the entrepreneurial fabric based on the blue economy in Cádiz?

There is a very lively and interesting ecosystem. Not only by the entrepreneurs themselves, but also by all the institutions that work so that these types of projects go ahead. Incubazul is one more, and among all of us we form a solid fabric with very powerful common objectives, which we are more than fulfilling.

What does it mean to be a facilitator of Incubazul?

Being a catalyst means having your eyes and ears wide open. Learn every day about entrepreneurship, the blue economy and the constant advances in this sector. Always be at the side of entrepreneurs with their concerns, needs and goals, and seek solutions to make their path easier with all the tools we have at our disposal.

Also promoting the connection of the accelerated projects in Incubazul with the rest of the ecosystem that I mentioned earlier, and thus multiplying their options and chances of success.


We are looking for entrepreneurial talent to push blue economy projects to the next level

What general objectives does the program have?

The program aims to help a considerable number of companies to consolidate their business idea. In this way, we intend to make the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the province a solid system, with real capacity to promote the economy and sustainable projects that are devised and developed in Cádiz.

How do you help startups from the acceleration program?

There are many benefits enjoyed by startups that belong to Incubazul:

The first ones Work spaces, currently on the fifth floor of the Europa Building, in the fiscal area of ​​the Cádiz Free Trade Zone; We also have a technological laboratory that we are equipping with the necessary machinery to develop the projects that are arriving at the incubator.

Another important factor is the personalized accompaniment of a team of mentors (currently 17) of the different areas that a company needs to develop, from legal, financial, equipment, logistics, etc. support.

The network of contacts that is established between the incubated themselves and that goes further, thanks to Telefónica's contacts as a technological partner of the incubator and those of the Cádiz Free Trade Zone itself, which make it possible for startups to get in touch with important companies or investors to help them reach the next level in their project.

Within the acceleration program, what activities are carried out?

From the mentorships that I mentioned earlier, group sessions to solve common problems events monographs with experts on different topics, approach to investment, attendance at events and a long etcetera.

How is the creation of an ecosystem based on the blue economy promoted?

One of the main lines of work that we are following is precisely that of promoting information and knowledge in society in general on issues of entrepreneurship and the blue economy.

For this we are developing a training program aimed at the general public, not necessarily someone who intends to develop an entrepreneurial project. A training program called Blueway and that aims to train people in the blue economy and entrepreneurship touching on three important branches, aquaculture, tourism and renewable energies.


If you are interested in being part of Incubazul, you have more information here.

This High Technology Incubator project for the promotion and encouragement of innovation and technology transfer to micro-SMEs in the Blue Economy sector In Andalucia “[BlueEcoIncuba x Logistical]Tech = ZONA BASE – INCUBAZULthrough the INCYDE Foundation, It is financed 80% by the European Regional Development Fund within the Pluriregional Operational Program from Spain FEATHER 2014-2020 AFTER. “A way of making Europe” within axis 3: Improving the Competitiveness of SMEs, Thematic Objective 3 Improving the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises, and investment priority 3ª Fostering entrepreneurship, in particular, facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas, and promoting the creation of new companies, also through incubators.