OilKontrol deploys its anti-pollution barrier in Gibraltar.
A team from the Incubazul startup captures and contains spills from the hoisting of the ship OS35.

At the end of the summer of 2022, the ship OS35 was semi-sunken off the east face of the Rock of Gibraltar, after a collision with a gas tanker.
Despite the fact that at first the worst was feared and, with the memory of the Prestige and its disastrous consequences two decades ago, from the beginning the diesel was successfully pumped from the accident ship and the removal of the fuel began, although the spill He came to touch a beach in the area. Now there has been a controlled and meticulous job of raising and deploying protection barriers.
Among the different companies contracted to raise and remove the ship and the oil spills produced in the action, the presence of OilKontrol stands out, an Incubazul startup that began its acceleration in July 2023, although it has a long history.
In Gibraltar, Oilkontrol has carried out its barrier function, “after application, containment, absorption and encapsulation, the Oilkontrol barrier has done an excellent job, it did not tear at any point, encapsulating the spill, supporting all the work ” as pointed out by Francisco Iturriaga Zagal, director of the startup “something that does not happen with synthetic barriers, which do not hold up in the same way”.
“In the event of a spill it is important to verify the technical data sheet, Oilkontrol's great absorption capacity is surprising due to its effectiveness. Once again we have effectively solved a spill” added the Oilkontrol manager.
Oilkontrol has several products, being the aquatic bio-absorbent barrier, used in the OS 35 spill in Gibraltar, one of the most prominent.
Oil control
Oilkontrol is one of the seventeen startups of the fourth call for Incubazul of the Cádiz Free Zone and that works in the treatment and control of hydrocarbons both on land and at sea.

Oilkontrol is a company specialized in the production and sale of materials for the control of spills of hydrocarbons, oils and greases, and other chemical products.
It works with highly qualified professionals to guarantee optimal results in each of the operations. Provides a wide range of products to solve the contingencies presented by hydrocarbon spills.
It is a project that recycles industrial waste and through a patented process transforms it into a bioabsorbent and encapsulant for all types of hydrocarbons, vegetable and mineral oils. The resulting product is natural, organic, biodegradable, hydrophobic and innocuous. It also protects the environment against all kinds of spills in the sea, rivers, lakes and soils.
Oil control is one of the 63 accelerated startups in Incubazul, which works for the Blue Economy and sustainability. If you want to be part of the Incubazul ecosystem, you can present your project.
This High Technology Incubator Project for the promotion of innovation and technology transfer to microSMEs in the blue economy sector in Andalusia “[BlueEcoIncuba x Logistical]Tech = ZONA BASE – INCUBAZUL 2.0” is 80% financed by the European Regional Development Fund within the Pluriregional Operational Program of Spain FEDER 2014-2020 OP. “A way of making Europe” within axis 3: Improving the Competitiveness of SMEs, Thematic Objective 3 Improving the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises, and investment priority 3 Promotion of entrepreneurship, in particular, facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas, and promoting the creation of new companies, also through incubators.”