The leading engineering multinational Quest Global chooses the Free Trade Zone for its expansion in the Cádiz area and joins the blue economy ecosystem and the network of companies with high technological content

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Free Trade Zone Europe BuildingThe company is going to set up shop in the Inner Campus to enhance proximity and respond to the increase in business volume over what it already provides to Navantia and complement it with other activities in strategic sectors such as aerospace or automotive.

The arrival of the company will generate highly qualified employment with the hiring of 97 people - of which 67 will be located in the Consortium's facilities - and could reach 150-200 new quality jobs in 2-3 years

The State delegate, Fran González, values ​​the firm's link with the naval maritime sector and the socioeconomic impact and employability data of its projects, "contributing to consolidating and projecting the Bay as a hub of the Blue Economy in Spain"

González emphasizes that “in just two weeks we have welcomed three leading projects in innovation and technological development in the Free Trade Zone, which confirms the Consortium's ability to attract talent and form a very competitive business fabric.”

The multinational engineering and technology company that provides comprehensive solutions for companies, Quest Global, has chosen the Free Trade Zone for the expansion of its project in the Bay of Cádiz. Thus, the firm will significantly strengthen its presence in the naval programs of the San Fernando and Puerto Real shipyards, with its own headquarters in the Interior Campus of Cádiz taking advantage of the innovative blue economy ecosystem that is being developed. promoting around the Incubazul incubator

In this way Quest Global Engineering España SLU. has chosen to be located in the Europa building in the Free Zone of Cádiz, approaching Navantia to enhance the response to current and future demand around the multiple activities that are promoted from it in relation to the development of engineering services and tasks. design, production planning, risk management or work and quality support in the different surface ship programs and Seanergies programs.

The development of these programs in the Bay of Cádiz will generate a perspective of growth in the multinational's business volume in the coming years, which contemplates the creation of highly qualified employment: from the 67 experts who will be located in a first phase in the Europa Building, thereby consolidating its presence in Cádiz, to complete a team of close to 100 people (between the Free Zone office and the Navantia shipyards), with a short-medium term growth perspective. This will be accompanied by a significant investment in adapting spaces and equipment with high technological content.

To this end, the progressive implementation of all these activities may require additional spaces compatible with other facilities in the Free Zone, and an estimated growth of up to 150-200 experts may be achieved in a period of 2-3 years, to which it would be necessary to add the generation of indirect employment related to various activities.

The delegate of the Free Zone, Fran González, welcomed the company and thanked it for its commitment to the Free Zone to radiate its activity throughout the Bay, “where it will have an important socioeconomic impact, with very good data. of employability that contribute to consolidation and project the Bay of Cádiz as a hub of the Blue Economy and as a reference center for innovation and technological projects.”

In this sense, González wanted to emphasize that “the arrival of Quest Global adds to the projects of Rospa engineering, for the optimization of renewable energies, and Capgemini, with its Intelligent Industry Lab, presented a few days ago. In just two weeks, from the Cádiz Free Trade Zone we have welcomed three leading projects in innovation and technological development, which confirms the Consortium's ability to attract talent and form a highly competitive business fabric, with which we are managing to connect the industry. most traditional of our Fiscal Precinct with an innovative and sustainable model.”

For the highest representative of the Fiscal Institution, “the arrival of companies like Quest Global reinforces us to continue working in the line of generating the conditions and opportunity spaces for the retention of highly qualified talent in our province. The commitment to the Blue Economy, with the Incubazul project as a hallmark, is allowing us to open new technological and business lines directly linked to this sector and project all the opportunities that the sea offers as a source of wealth and employment."

Bet on the automotive and aerospace sector

In addition to naval engineering activities, the firm is going to make a commitment from the Cádiz Consortium to promote other business activities from the Bay, such as a development team for advanced applications of the latest generation of embedded software for leading automotive companies, in the context of initiatives on sustainable mobility; and the opening and growth of Quest Global's activities in the Andalusian area in relation to projects and opportunities in the areas of Digitalization, Robotics, Automation and Production Engineering for companies related to the aerospace sector, a sector in which the multinational It employs more than 2,700 people in Europe and other locations, and has been an Airbus collaborator since 2008, along with Boeing and other leading companies.

The size of this multinational is seen in the numbers it presents worldwide: a company with more than 25 years of experience, with a presence in 17 countries, 56 global delivery centers and more than 18,000 employees, 850 of them working in Spain.

Quest Global presents a multidisciplinary approach that allows us to respond to the most important and large-scale challenges of industries in sectors as diverse as aerospace, defense, automotive, naval, energy, high technology, healthcare or railways, semiconductors and telecommunications.