The Blue Economy has given the Free Zone a new strategic vision and a differentiated identity

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Blue day with Fran Gonzalez at Thinking heads

The delegate of the Cádiz Free Trade Zone, Fran González, participated today in the conference "The future in blue: realities and challenges of the blue economy", an event that took place at the Thinking Heads facilities, organized by this specialized consulting firm. in positioning and influence of organizations and leaders, where he has defended the Blue Economy as a nuclear line that has contributed to a new strategic vision of the centenary Consortium and a new differentiated identity.

The representative of the Cádiz Consortium has explained the keys to the Blue Economy strategy that the fiscal Institution is carrying out with its highly innovative incubator Incubazul, through whose acceleration program 87 startups have already passed. Fran González has emphasized the important commitment of the Free Trade Zone to the blue sector as a sector of the future and has stated that “we are firm defenders of the possibilities for the future and development of the Blue Economy. The potential is immense and from the Cádiz Free Trade Zone we are working to make the province a hub of the Blue Economy, something that we are already achieving.”

González added that the province of Cádiz has the experience and tools to do this. “We have all the tools for this and a rich and varied ecosystem, in addition to centuries-old experience in activities such as aquaculture or trap farming, which will play a very important role for the society of the future,” he said.

The day has been fruitful and has fostered contacts and synergies among the attendees, among whom was also María Gálvez, oceanographer and environmentalologist with extensive experience in sustainable blue economy and founder of Smart Blue, which is also part of the Incubazul ecosystem of which it is part. mentor. In fact, María Gálvez had a prominent role in the Blue Zone Forum organized by the Free Trade Zone in November as a member of the Table of Ambassadors for the Climate Pact in Spain. Along with her, Javier Goyeneche, CEO and founder of Ecoalf, has shown how her sustainable fashion brand uses recycled products to generate innovative business opportunities.

The Blue Economy incubator of the Free Trade Zone of Cádiz had a prominent presence at the meeting. David Gómez-Ullate, CEO of Canonical Green, a startup hosted at Incubazul, has presented his Green Navigation project, which optimizes maritime routes with oceanographic and meteorological information in real time and participates in the Incubazul acceleration program.

Another participant was Ignasi Ferrer, entrepreneur in blue economy projects and co-founder of the Ship2B Foundation, which advises institutions and companies in the development of marine sustainability initiatives.

Isabel Artime, Secretary General of Fisheries of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, and Javier Garat, Secretary General of Cepesca and President of the Blue Economy Commission of CEOE, have also participated in the event offering their vision on the transformation of the fishing sector. and the promotion of the blue economy in Spain.

The meeting has addressed topics such as leadership in "blue thinking", the blue economy in fiscal areas, the transformation of the fishing sector towards the blue economy, public-private collaboration in the creation of blue wealth and the challenges for the industry and services related to the sea.