The renowned chef and businessman was the main speaker this Thursday in a speech in which he showed his innovative vision, arguing that “innovating is not an option, it is our way of seeing the world.”
This day has been intense in terms of round tables and workshops, with experts from the academic and business fields and the subject very focused on the oceans, sustainability, innovation and training
The chef and businessman Ferrán Adriá opened the second day of the Blue Zone Forum-Innovazul 2024 in a highly applauded speech. The renowned chef explained his experience and his close relationship with the Blue Economy and encouraged attendees to bet on talent, entrepreneurship and creativity, all before a large group of students to whom he constantly appealed.
Ferrán Adriá has been categorical in stating that “innovating is not an option, it is our way of seeing the world.” Furthermore, he has had words of praise for the cuisine that is being made in Andalusia and Cádiz and has placed it among the most “hot in the world.” The presence of the famous chef is part of the activities of the UCA Telefónica Chair.

Like Wednesday's day, today's day has been full of knowledge with experts from different fields, especially academic, scientific and business. The oceans have taken up a good part of the morning, with interesting round tables such as “Challenges in PCS research and conservation in the UN decade of the oceans”, starring specialists in this topic, especially belonging to the scientific and academic field. . Also on oceans was another round table, “Sustainable Oceans: Protecting our common treasure.”
BZF-InnovAzul has continued with its intense day of scientific events within the framework of the Blue Economy, as is the case, promoted by the UCA and CEI·Mar, of the Blue Heritage event. Challenges in research and conservation of underwater cultural heritage in the UN decade of the oceans with the participation of the Master in Nautical and Underwater Archeology of the UCA and pioneer in this type of postgraduate studies in Spain, as well as, within the Week UCA of Entrepreneurship, “La Conectadora Azul”, where the president of the UCA Social Council, Federico Linares, participated with the presentation “The importance of networks”, or the activity “Generating the professionals of the future” around blue training.

At the same time, the program has hosted two new events within ThinkInAzul Andalucía: Spanish aquaculture Quo vadis? and L1 Observation of the marine and coastal environment, which will also continue in the afternoon with the events Presentation of L2 projects. Sustainable and precision aquaculture and L1. Observation and monitoring of the marine and coastal environment. In total, more than 400 researchers from more than 40 different universities and research centers with scientific activity within the framework of the Blue Economy are participating in the set of ThikInAzul activities, coordinated by the CEI·Mar Foundation.
In parallel, there have been different spaces dedicated to training, such as the UCA-UCC+i Informative Zone of ThinkinAzul or different workshops that have provided practical information for entrepreneurs and students on various topics throughout the day, all of them with the common denominator of innovation and entrepreneurship within the framework of the blue ecosystem.
Tomorrow's event, Friday, in which the Blue Zone Forum-Innovazul 2024 will close, will have women as the protagonist and will begin with a presentation by the meteorologist and oceanographer Mercedes Martín, editor and presenter of El tiempo en Antena 3. Below The Blue Women Forum will be held, a space reserved exclusively for the female presence in the blue sector.