Innovation, entrepreneurship and Blue Economy, protagonists in the Free Trade Zone with the Incubazul day

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The meeting has outlined the keys to the sector and the enormous potential of the ecosystem created around the incubator of the Cádiz Consortium

Several startups have presented their ideas, their trajectories, experiences and success stories

“If you don't have it, don't say you have it, say you can do it,” said Miguel Angel Verdugo, CEO of the consulting firm Naifman, in his talk with the 9 rules for selling.


During the afternoon, several experts gave practical workshops for the development and consolidation of the incubated projects.


The DEE intervening in the day.

Innovation, entrepreneurship and the Blue Economy have been protagonists today in the Free Trade Zone of Cádiz during the day held in the Heracles building and in the Europa building around the Blue Economy incubator and the startups housed there under the title “ The Economy of the future in Incubazul: innovation and entrepreneurship.” The meeting has been organized to bring together the startups participating in the acceleration program, the mentors and the different members of the Incubazul ecosystem in order to share experiences and support the incubated projects.

The delegate of the Free Trade Zone, Fran González, opened the day and welcomed the assembled startups, some of which are very recent incorporations. Fran González has highlighted the highly innovative nature of startups, which is making it possible for Cádiz to increasingly position itself as a driving force and benchmark for the Blue Economy throughout Spain.”

Fran González has added with pride that “we are already seeing how many of the startups that are part of the acceleration program are consolidating as companies, a third are already billing and another third have a minimum viable product, and we are working to ensure that they increase day by day. day, fulfilling our objective of promoting economic activity and entrepreneurship within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals.”

The delegate of the Free Trade Zone gave the floor to José Manuel Fedriani, coordinator of Incubazul, who explained in detail the trajectory of the incubator and the great potential of the ecosystem formed around it and its acceleration program, which makes the province in a true Blue Economy hub.

The meeting included the participation of Miguel Ángel Verdugo, CEO of the business consultancy Naifman, who gave a talk in which he gave the 9 rules that a startup has to follow to sell and was exhaustive in stating that “if "You don't have it, don't say you have it, say you can do it," always seeking the truth and not selling smoke, while adding that "technology is the best ally for success in sales."

Naifman is a B2B business consultancy and external commercial force for technology companies, covering all business development and opportunity generation needs with personalized sales strategies.

Startup intervention

The day had a space dedicated to startups explaining their idea, from the newest to the most veteran. Four of the recently incorporated companies have presented their specific project, while three of the veterans have presented their experience and career.

Among the first, Manuel Cazorla, from the startup Mara & Price, explained how the idea was born with the aim of offering an innovative vision to transform the way in which we interact with the digital world. In this context, they have created the VR Ecotourism project, which is a novel way of traveling and exploring natural environments through virtual reality, artificial intelligence and augmented reality and aims to provide virtual trips to ecological destinations in the Bay of Cádiz. This project would allow the creation of a virtual twin of the Bay of Cádiz, offering the possibility of visiting remote or fragile natural areas of its environment without generating the environmental impact that a physical visit would cause.

For their part, Joan and Sara have explained that Marisma Biomed is a bio-food-tech company specialized in innovative food products, created from different natural sources of the tidal marsh (halophytic plants such as salicornia, algae, marine macroinvertebrates, etc.). They have three main objectives which are to provide health benefits, produce in an ecological and sustainable environment and provide avant-garde gastronomic value. They have five registered trademarks for the product lines that they want to put into operation within a two-year horizon and they direct their product towards pharmaceutical companies.

Javier Constantino has explained the activity of Seabites pet care, consisting of the marketing of food supplements for domestic animals. Its distinctive approach focuses on the use of marine products, mainly seaweed, taking advantage of its exceptional nutritional properties, always seeking to improve the health and well-being of domestic animals.

Slenderness is another of the newly incorporated startups. Its manager, Rosa Sánchez, has explained that it develops a range of natural, ecological and vegan cosmetic products and designs its own products that are characterized by incorporating high-quality compounds in vegetable bases. Esbeltia was born with this specific purpose and the result of the application of its products prompted it to continue research to develop new cosmetics.

After the presentation of the new startups, it was the turn of the presentation of the already consolidated projects, which explained their experience and success stories. In this way, Borja Flagg, of Soleaheat, which markets turnkey energy solutions and auxiliary services to supply process heat at medium temperatures (between 100 and 250 °C) that avoids emissions and variable costs associated with fuel consumption. It offers an alternative to fuels, contributes to the decarbonization of thermal demand and provides low-cost heat for industries such as aquaculture and salt mines.

Finally, Sarah Pérez, from Gibraldone, a pioneer company in the Campo de Gibraltar in the use of drones, virtual reality and other new technologies in both the audiovisual and industrial sectors and in constant development. Within their R&D department they seek to develop innovative projects that are realistic and that contribute something to society and its environment. They have collaborated with the Port Authority of the Bay of Algeciras with an underwater drone to detect underwater risk situations.

The day concluded in the afternoon with two practical workshops. The first of them “How to scale from startup to scaleup” was taught by Alex García from Orbyn, and the second “Team creation models for startup success, taught by María Ángeles Rodríguez Trujillo, co-founder and advisor of Scoobic.