Incubazul reaches one hundred companies with the incorporation of thirteen new projects

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The new startups will receive the specialized mentoring that has characterized this blue economy incubator in the Free Trade Zone of Cádiz

The arrival of new ideas means the consolidation of the infrastructure beyond the financing framework of the FEDER funds

Thirteen new companies have joined Incubazul, the High Technology incubator in the Blue Economy of the Free Trade Zone of Cádiz, so that the number of one hundred projects has been reached that have gone through this initiative that aims to accompany and advise entrepreneurs. to make ideas and business viable,

These new startups have entered through the permanent call and after a selection process that has left out another of the proposals for not meeting the established requirements: that it be about some of the aspects of the blue economy and that it has a technological base. . The Executive Committee of the Free Zone Consortium has today approved the awarding of places in the incubator to these firms so that they can begin to develop their idea, relying on the mentoring plan offered to move the company forward.

The additions are Bio Absoil, Tiza, Evacold, Galilup, Subma, Escaramujo Wine, Inovred, Orixe Salgada, Posidonia, JMGB-Data, Pigmenta Algae, Hostandboat and Bubbl3s. A good part of these ideas use algae and their processing for various applications: cosmetics, animal feed, purification of elements or pigments for paints; others cover aspects as diverse as an aquatic winery, a nautical experience center or a platform for the sale, manufacture and recycling of fishing nets. All of them are examples of the versatility of the blue economy field and the talent and the good and sustainable ideas that exist in the province.

These new thirteen companies join the previous 87, so that Incubazul has already welcomed one hundred companies, a milestone in an initiative that sought to economically mobilize the province with a differentiating element of sustainability and protection of the seas, and that has already been implemented. has become a benchmark in Spain in the ecosystem of innovative environments and advice to SMEs.

This has been highlighted by the special delegate of the State for the Free Zone of Cádiz, Fran González, who has commented that “reaching a hundred companies and continuing with the full activity of the incubator is a symptom that it is an initiative that works beyond of the European Funds that have financed it.” Furthermore, "all the ideas selected and approved today by the Executive Committee will undoubtedly help strengthen the blue economy ecosystem that the province of Cádiz already has, as we defend from the Free Trade Zone."

The Incubazul acceleration program has demonstrated its effectiveness and has been referenced on the national scene. Proof of this is that a third of these initiatives are already billing and another third already have a minimum viable product to develop, which represents a fundamental milestone. in startup life. All of them have been able to verify that the Incubazul space has been productive to grow, learn and consolidate the idea, working in an area with so much potential as the blue economy and that they contribute to reducing the negative impact on the environment and even generating a positive impact on the environment.

In addition, throughout his career he has received several awards and recognitions such as the Proa Award from the Andalusian Maritime Cluster, the José Antonio Rodriguez Poch award for innovation from the Cádiz Naval Maritime Cluster and he has been a finalist for the Europa Se Siente Awards, in the Water category. . These awards recognize the best projects executed with European Funds, especially those that present the best results and added value.

Incubazul has been possible thanks to the financing of the European Pluriregional Fund of Spain ERDF 2014-2020 PO “A way of making Europe”, for which the Free Zone Consortium was awarded more than 5 million European Funds for a new intervention model.

It is a resource that the administration makes available to people with an entrepreneurial idea where their journey is accompanied, they are advised and their business idea is shaped. At Incubazul, both a personalized mentoring program is made available to companies with a team of mentors specialized in all the areas that a company in training may need, as well as a networking space where ideas and synergies can be shared; going through the monitoring of progress and the approach to investment.