The Galicia Life Sciences Business Technological Cluster formalizes the beginning of the IberoBio Project to create the Iberian Cross-Border Biotechnology Pole with an investment of nearly two million euros

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Presentation of the European projectIberoBioCluster Tecnolóxico Empresarial das Ciencias da Vida de Galicia (Bioga) in IberoBio, a project supported by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund FEDER within the framework of the Interreg VI A Spain – Portugal program (POCTEP). Bioga will lead this ambitious project whose purpose is the creation and strengthening of the Iberian Cross-Border Biotechnology Pole and facilitate the growth and international expansion of the biotech ecosystem along the border between Spain and Portugal.

In a joint effort of 13 entities from Spain and Portugal, IberoBio will invest two million euros until 2025, marking a significant milestone in the promotion of technology and research in the Iberian territory.

Objective and Scope of the IberoBio Project

“IberoBio is an ambitious project that is committed to the consolidation, positioning and internationalization of the cross-border Iberian biotech sector,” highlighted the president of Bioga, José Manuel López Vilariño. The project covers an extensive geographical area that crosses the more than 1,200 kilometers of border between Spain and Portugal, from Galicia and Northern Portugal to Andalusia and the Algarve, including regions such as Castilla y León, Extremadura, Central Portugal and Alentejo.

Support from Europe and Strategic Partners

The IberoBio project, which will be executed in the period 2023-2025, has the support of the European Union through the Interreg VI A POCTEP 2021-2027 Program. It represents a significant step towards the consolidation, positioning and internationalization of the biotechnology sector in the Iberian Peninsula. Thirteen entities are participating in the project, including academic institutions, business organizations and research centers.


Services of the Iberian Cross-border Biotechnology Pole

The Iberian Cross-Border Biotechnology Pole will offer services based on talent, collaboration, innovation, access to financing and promotion. It will be aimed at SMEs and entrepreneurs in the cross-border Iberian territory, with the aim of creating and consolidating an innovative ecosystem that supports competitive improvement and the potential for internationalization. More than 60 biotech SMEs and SMEs from strategic sectors will be able to benefit from advanced services that will make them more competitive and provide them with greater guarantees of access to foreign markets.

IberoBio Presentation Day

The event was attended by institutional representatives and experts from the sector. The background of the project, the objectives and planned activities, the participating partners and the services available to SMEs were highlighted. The institutional welcome was given by the manager of Bioga, Loli Pereiro, the delegate of the rector for Knowledge Transfer of the USC, Luis Otero, the director of the Igape Competitiveness Area, Norberto Penedo, the member of the State Delegation in the Vigo Free Trade Zone Consortium, Ana Mejías Sacaluga, and the councilor for Social Rights and Services, Economic Promotion and Youth of Santiago, María Rozas.

The day also included talks on biotechnology and a round table on management capacity and the professionalization of talent in the biotech sector, highlighting the commitment of Bioga and its partners to driving innovation and promoting strategic collaboration, innovation and joint growth in the Iberian region.