The 'crusades begin’ summer measures against invasive algae in Cádiz

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The Port Authority of the Bay of Algeciras (APBA) has begun this Tuesday to carry out raids to remove invasive algae growths that have reached the coastal beaches located in public port areas, such as the beaches of La Caleta in Tarifa and El Chinarral in Algeciras, both in the province of Cádiz.

Activa y Servicios Mantenimientos Integrales, the company awarded the works, has begun the actions on the Algeciras beach, as detailed by the Port Authority in a note.

Furthermore, as has been pointed out, the removal of algae is carried out mainly manually due to the special considerations of both areas of the Cadiz coast.

After this first shock intervention once winter has passed, maintenance raids will be repeated every two weeks depending on the winds and tides. Thus, until September, action will be taken on a 335 linear meter stretch of the Tarifa coast and a 417 meter stretch of the Algeciras coast.

Since 2018, the APBA has been carrying out work to clean and remove algae, as well as other waste in the La Caleta area in Tarifa, while since 2020 it has also carried out specific work to remove algae on El Chinarral beach as a complement to the tasks. maintenance carried out by the municipal beach services of Algeciras during the summer season.

They begin 'crusades' summer measures against invasive algae in Cádiz

Source: The Voice of Cádiz