SELECTION REQUIREMENTS for projects to join the IncubAzul OPEN FUTURE PROGRAMME and IncubAzul "[BlueEcoIncuba x Logistical]Tech = ZONA BASE


Contracting entity: Cádiz Free Trade Zone Consortium. (CZFC)

Address: Ronda de Vigilancia s/n 11011 CADIZ.

Phones: 956 290 606 O 956 290 607 / 901 227 227.

Access portal:

Web: with link to BASE AREA

Contact information for resolution of doubts regarding these Rules or the program:

1. Introduction and Background

The Cadiz Free Trade Zone is a public body that works for the socio-economic development of the province of Cadiz. It does this by providing services and facilities intended to meet the needs of the Cadiz business community, and tools to increase its competitiveness. Based on this premise, the IncubAzul project was born, a pioneering new centre of innovation and technological expansion in the province of Cadiz.

The High-Tech Incubator project, for the promotion of innovation and technology transfer in the Blue Economy sector, IncubAzul "[BlueEcoIncuba x Logistical]Tech = ZONA BASE, is 80% co-financed by the ERDF, within the Multiregional OP of ERDF Spain 2014 -2020 under Main Priority 3: Enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs; Thematic Objective 3: Improve the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises; and Investment Priority 3.a. Promoting entrepreneurship, in particular by facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas and fostering the creation of new firms, including through business incubators.

2. Proyecto de Incubadora de Alta Tecnología "[BlueEcoIncuba x Logistical]Tech = ZONA BASE

IncubAzul "[BlueEcoIncuba x Logistical]Tech = ZONA BASE (hereafter, IncubAzul) is a response to the real need to attract entrepreneurs, create spaces to develop synergies, and facilitate the arrival of dozens of new and attractive initiatives.

IncubAzul aims to promote innovation and technology transfer to micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises in the Blue Economy sector in Andalusia, understood as a sector that is formed by different interdependent subsectors that are all intrinsically connected to the sea, and rely on common skills and shared infrastructure, as defined by the European Commission in its policy paper "Blue Growth opportunities for marine and maritime sustainable growth".

This sector encompasses subsectors as diverse as marine bioresources and aquatic products, aquaculture, fisheries, the extraction of marine mineral resources, long and short-haul shipping, maritime transport services for passengers or goods, coastal tourism, recreational ports and sailing, offshore wind energy, ocean renewable energies, blue biotechnology, desalination, coastal protection, and monitoring and surveillance.

3. How does the Incubator work?

The IncubAzul High-Tech Incubator (hereafter, HTI) will offer a comprehensive service focused on offering "everything that a new company may need to facilitate its work and thereby contribute to its rapid growth". This includes:

  • Incubation spaces; Remote or physical sites, in private or shared offices, with basic furniture, Wi-Fi, electricity, and water included.
  • Open Future business acceleration programme: Delivered through tutoring, mentoring, training, networking, support for international expansion and access to financing with the aim of turning the start-up into a viable company
  • Access to our own or third-party research spaces and infrastructure.
  • Cost-reducing services to facilitate day-to-day working, including reprography, reception and the collection and delivery of mail.
  • Availability of meeting and training rooms.

The programme involves three phases:

Incubation (preparing the ground) Acceleration (seed and growth) Consolidation


In the Incubation Phase: ideas or technologies are developed that enable incipient business initiatives to examine their viability and how they fit into the Blue Economy sector.

In the Acceleration phase: the focus is on building business models for commercial initiatives with the aim of facilitating the necessary conditions for the projects to be marketable and go to market.

The Incubation Phase will have an initial duration of 4 months; When the 4 months have passed, it will be reviewed whether the support is maintained and an intensive acceleration Phase will be proposed for 4 more months.

Exceptionally, if an accelerated company formally requests it, CFTZC and TELEFÓNICA, (hereafter, the Organisation) may grant a grace period of up to four additional months to be accompanied by an explanation of its decision based on the circumstances of each particular case. The purpose of this period is to ensure that incubated projects that are not mature enough to be accelerated can continue in development and the areas that need greater assistance can be enhanced.

If the results of the evaluation are favourable at the end of this phase, and if the incubated projects so wish, they may continue to the consolidation phase.

In the Consolidation phase: the company establishes itself in the market. This period may continue, at the discretion of the organisation and if the project wishes, for a period up to a maximum of five years.

To offer the services, we have the collaboration of TELEFÓNICA SOLUCIONES DE INFORMÁTICA Y COMUNICACIONES DE ESPAÑA, S.A.U., winner of the tender for the consultancy specialized in incubation and business acceleration programs EXP CA-0259-2023-00-A. TELEFÓNICA will be in charge of selecting, together with the CZFC, the projects that will be housed in the High Technology Incubator (hereinafter IAT) and will have access to the INCUBAZUL BASE ZONE business acceleration program. Likewise, TELEFÓNICA will be in charge of directing the management, operation and dynamization of the acceleration program of the selected projects.

4. Incubation space

Regarding the IAT INCUBAZUL BASE ZONE facilities, at the time of publication of this Public Offer, the construction of the definitive IAT facilities is being completed, according to a project presented and prepared by Estudio Carquero Arquitectura, S. L. P, which is located published on the CZFC website.

In the meantime, provision has been made for temporary facilities to enable the start of IncubAzul HTI activities, the object of this contract. These are located on the fifth floor of the Europa Building located in the Cadiz Free Trade Zone precinct. More information and a description of these facilities are included in the attached documentation.

5. Requirements regulating the selection of initiatives and business projects within the Blue Economy sector

5.1.- Purpose of the Requirements

The purpose of these requirements is to regulate the process of selecting initiatives and projects interested in occupying space in the IncubAzul HTI and accessing the Open Future business acceleration programme.

The purpose of this selection procedure for companies incubated in the IAT INCUBAZUL BASE ZONE is to guarantee compliance with the principles of publicity, transparency, objectivity, free competition and competition, required by European regulations.

5.2.- .- IncubAzul HTI candidates and selected projects

Tendrán la consideración de candidatos para instalarse y participar en el programa de aceleración que ofrece la Incubadora de Alta Tecnología "[BlueEcoIncuba x Logistical]Tech = ZONA BASE”, aquellas personas físicas o jurídicas con ideas, iniciativas y/o proyectos empresariales dentro del sector de la Economía Azul, que cumplan los requisitos previos recogidos en el siguiente punto, y su selección sea considerada viable, compatible y adecuada a los objetivos marcados para la IAT ZONA BASE INCUBAZUL.

5.2.1.- Essential prerequisites
  1. Projects are to be submitted by a natural or legal person, resident or established in an EU member state, within the Blue Economy sector, and with at least one person working on the project in a full-time capacity. However, an exception may be made for specific projects that justify and accredit the participation of two people in a part-time capacity.
  2. Ideas, initiatives and/or business projects within the Blue Economy sector submitted by one or more natural persons of legal age, legally residing in an EU Member State.
  3. The company or person(s) that make up the team will use the IncubAzul HTI as their main and regular workspace. Partial remote work is a possibility with prior authorisation by the Organisation.
  4. Applicants must have an economically and financially viable business plan that demonstrates the potential for scaling up and going to market.
  5. Offer an innovative technology-based product or service in the area and sector of the Blue Economy.

In all cases, the initiatives and/or business projects of the candidates and projects eventually selected to occupy space in the IncubAzul HTI must be technologically innovative and belong to the Blue Economy area and sector.; this sector encompasses subsectors as diverse as marine bioresources and aquatic products, aquaculture, fisheries, the extraction of marine mineral resources, long and short-haul shipping, maritime transport services for passengers or goods, coastal tourism, recreational ports and sailing, offshore wind energy, ocean renewable energies, blue biotechnology, desalination, coastal protection, and monitoring and surveillance.

5.2.2 - Excluded activities and projects

All projects and initiatives that in the development of their activity may harm the common space, the environment or the local environment will be expressly excluded from accommodation in the IAT INCUBAZUL BASE ZONE.

The following criteria will lead to the exclusion of a project from the selection process:

  • Projects and initiatives that are not technically and/or economically viable.
  • Projects and business initiatives not compatible with the objectives of the subsidized project and the Blue Economy sector to which it is intended.

5.3.- Continuous call and other entry formulas.

Since 2022, a total of 4 public and open calls have been launched to search and select the projects to incubate in the IAT INCUBAZUL BASE ZONE. These Calls have been an initiative promoted by the Cádiz Free Trade Zone Consortium with the advice of TELEFÓNICA (hereinafter, the Organization) and with a calendar and open entry windows to the accelerator that have been the following:

  1. BATCH 1: Month of March 2022
  2. BATCH 2: Month of September 2022
  3. BATCH 3: Month of January 2023.
  4. BATCH 4: Month of June 2023.

Starting with the last Batch in June 2023, the entry process changes and a public call is launched, open and continuous over time.

In this sense, anyone interested in participating in this continuous call may present their proposal at any time through the website. To do this, you must fill out the corresponding participation form, attaching to your registration all information and documentation that is required or considered of interest.

Telefónica's global Open Future platform will collect all information and documentation related to the application. If there is a complete application that is going to enter the evaluation process, it will be sent to the Consortium for registration and registration. The electronic medium will be the entry point for all proposals that will reach both Telefónica (in charge of their management) and the CZFC (for registration and filing). Submissions received through any other channel will be automatically discarded.

These Rules and all the information necessary to participate in this continuous call will also be published and updated on the website of the Zona Franca de Cádiz Consortium and in its link to ZONA BASE.

Please send any questions regarding these Requirements or the Open Future programme by email to:

By registering in this Call, the Participant accepts, in full and without reservations or conditions, the terms contained in these Rules, and their annexes. Likewise, signing the application implies the responsible declaration of having the capacity and representation to contract and not being subject to the assumptions of article 71 of Law 9/2017 on Public Sector Contracts, as well as the assumption of responsibility for the veracity of the documentation provided.

Documents required during later phases are to be sent through a specific channel, which will be indicated by the Organisation.

Before a start-up may be included in the programme, it must have completed all the stages in the application process:

    • Formal application to the program through the IAT call website enabled for this purpose and which will collect the necessary information that you must provide in order to be evaluated and enter the first evaluation phase.
    • If there are initiatives presented that have a positive first evaluation of the project, a jury will meet weekly or biweekly to carry out the selection interviews, second evaluation (pitch) where they will have to present the team and the business idea that forms the startup.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Organization reserves the right to advance and/or delay the planned date for the pitch, at any time and at its sole discretion, in which case it will be communicated and published in a timely manner.

5.3.1.- Another input formula for the selection of projects to incubate in the IAT INCUBAZUL BASE ZONE

Likewise, this project selection procedure may be accessed through participation and competition in specific talent recruitment events and calls to which the CZFC and/or Telefónica joins or may organize with third parties with the aim of searching and develop business projects and ideas. The ideas and projects that are awarded in these events and that meet the requirements established in these Bases, may be evaluated and selected to be housed in the IAT INCUBAZUL BASE ZONE, as long as there are spaces available and their projects are compatible with it.

5.4.- Project selection criteria

A team with different technical profiles will evaluate each proposal and propose the selection of the Projects to the CZFC contracting body.. Telefónica personnel assigned to the IAT BASE ZONE may be part of or serve as an external evaluation team and issue an evaluation and assessment report on the projects presented to the contracting body.

During the selection process, two selection assessments will be carried out:


The following eight aspects of each project will be assessed based exclusively on the information provided in the application submitted to the Open Future platform:

  • Technology: The use of technology will be assessed, with higher scores being awarded to those projects that use technology that is differentiated from the rest. Up to 10 points.
  • Value proposition: The ability to connect end customers with a product or service clearly identifiable as a need, and that is not currently addressed in the market, will be awarded higher scores. Up to 10 points.
  • Market potential: The size and purchasing capacity of the target audience to which the project is directed will be assessed. High market potential will be positively evaluated. Up to 10 points.
  • Degree of maturity of the project: The degree of progress and its track record prior to its participation in the Open Future Programme will be assessed. Projects with a high degree of maturity and progress will be positively evaluated. Up to 10 points.
  • Viability: Higher scores will be awarded to projects with business plans that are based on the economic-financial profitability of the project and the generation of employment. Up to 10 points.
  • Degree of innovation: Offering a product to the market that is clearly differentiated and improved compared to currently existing solutions will be valued. Up to 10 points
  • Business opportunity and scalability through internationalisation: Higher scores will be awarded to those projects with greater potential, growth or scalability in national or international markets. Up to 10 points.
  • Human Resources: Higher scores will be awarded to teams that demonstrate they have the capacity to launch the project. Teams that are made up of more than one person, and teams with individuals with complementary profiles, will also be evaluated. Up to 10 points.

The project must attain at least 40 points out of 80 to move to the second assessment stage. The assessment information will be compiled into a Summary Evaluation Report, which will be sent to applicants after being approved by the CZFC.


Selection Interview:

Participants who have been successful in the first assessment will be invited to a face-to-face or virtual interview, during which they will present their project to technical and managerial staff from the CFTZC, Telefónica and/or other specifically chosen public/private/academic entities.

The objective of the interview is to resolve doubts and confirm that the business initiative or project presented is a suitable candidate for the IncubAzul HTI and the Open Future acceleration programme.

All applications that do not meet the conditions indicated in these REQUIREMENTS will be excluded.

The presentation of the application does not generate any rights for the applicant, and an application may be rejected or rejected, through a reasoned report, if the business project presented is not appropriate and compatible with the objectives of the IAT BASE ZONE or could be considered detrimental to the interests of the CZFC.

Likewise, participants who, originally or unexpectedly, do not meet any of the requirements established in these Bases may be excluded from the call, losing all option to participate in it and without the right to claim anything from the Organization.

5.5.- Notification of the result of the assessment process and, where applicable, selection

El CZFC comunicará, mediante notificaciones individualizadas a cada uno de los proyectos solicitantes si han sido valorados como apto o no apto. En el caso de los proyectos aptos se le informará sobre si la puntuación obtenida da lugar a la entrada directa a la IAT o pasa a formar parte de la "Bolsa de Espera de Proyectos Empresariales".

All notifications related to the development of the Program, including the list of the selected business initiatives, will be published on the official website of ZONA BASEINCUBAZUL and will be available for consultation in the Registry of the Cádiz Free Trade Zone Consortium. Any other individual notification will be communicated through the email or telephone number with which the registration was made on the website, or the one that is subsequently provided by the permanent representative of the company for said purpose.

5.6.- Waiting list for business projects

En relación con las solicitudes de emprendedores que, siendo sus proyectos aptos y viables, no hayan sido propuestos para alojarse con carácter inmediato en la IAT, bien por no existir espacios disponibles, bien por haber obtenido una puntuación inferior a la de los proyectos seleccionados, se integrarán en la "Bolsa de Espera de Proyectos Empresariales".

This waiting list will be structured according to the number of points obtained in the assessment process and it will be adjusted each time new projects are added, to reflect the scores granted by the evaluation team.

Producida una vacante en la IAT ZONA BASE, el CZFC procederá a informar y proponer el alojamiento al proyecto que se encuentre el siguiente en la "Bolsa de Espera de Proyectos Empresariales", por orden de baremación.

5.7.- Formalisation of the Incubation Agreement and list of services

Para poder alojarse en las instalaciones de la IAT ZONA BASE INCUBAZUL y acceder al programa de aceleración los proyectos seleccionados deberán formalizar en el plazo máximo de quince días naturales desde la resolución de adjudicación, el acuerdo de incubación que incluirá la carta de servicio disponibles y las "Instrucciones de funcionamiento y régimen interno de la IAT ZONA BASE INCUBAZUL.

Failure to formalize this AGREEMENT, after the established period has elapsed, or in any case of resignation of the successful bidder, will imply the resolution of the award.

5.8.- Incubation Agreement and access to Open Future: Development of activities

The initiatives and/or business projects that are selected to be housed in the IAT INCUBAZUL BASE ZONE will access an initial business acceleration program (incubation and acceleration phase) that, based on the evolution and progress of the project, can be expanded and reinforced. in a Phase called Consolidation under the conditions established for this purpose. The Zona Base-Incubazul business acceleration program will include a series of activities that will respond to a personalized work plan that will be designed with each of the entrepreneurial projects and teams that have been selected. At the same time, group activities will be developed to promote networking, training and cooperation. This program will have an initial duration of 4 months; When the 4 months have passed, it will be reviewed whether the support is maintained and a new intensive acceleration block will be proposed for 4 more months. The milestones to be achieved are justified and objective in order to identify the progress made during the acceleration program.

During the initial period of 4 months and, where appropriate, its extension to 4 more months, the selected initiatives and/or projects will enjoy the following benefits:

  • Workspace.
  • Baseline analysis for each project/company.
  • Definition of strategic objectives, operational objectives at six months, and agreed work plan.
  • Weekly/biweekly monitoring of the work plan.
  • Training and training activities according to the needs detected in the projects.
  • Mentoring Plan. Personalised advice according to the needs and particularities of each of the projects selected to join the HTI.
  • There will be a network of mentors specialized in different areas of knowledge: business model and strategy; legal and fiscal field; communication, digital marketing and WEB development; branding; Marketing, merchandising and sales; coaching and talent management; Accounting and Finance; search for funding sources (information and support in the management of R&D&I aid, R&D&I projects and search for partners, etc.), as well as specific areas and specialization in the blue economy sector linked to the project.
  • Group training plan adapted to the requirements of the projects that must consider the possibility of being taught both in person and online.
  • Support access to financing. o Visibility in the media and social networks.
  • Events related to entrepreneurship that are organized through the IAT Zona Base Incubazul.
  • Online global network.
  • Networking between teams and professionals; as well as with other platforms or entrepreneurship networks.
  • Internationalization.- Those companies whose project is in a commercial phase that justifies it will be supported in the design of the internationalization process and the analysis of its viability. .

After this incubation and acceleration phase of 4 + 4 months, active projects that can access a next phase, called Consolidation Phase, will be evaluated.

Exceptionally, a grace period of up to 4 additional months may be granted at the discretion of the organization and in a motivated manner, based on the needs of each of the companies. This period will be aimed at ensuring that incubated projects that are not mature enough to be accelerated can continue in development, promoting those areas that need greater assistance.

Once these periods have ended and if there has been a satisfactory acceleration process in accordance with the program criteria and they are in the process of consolidating the project, an evaluation will be carried out and a new incubation regime may be accessed that could include the provision of individual office modules for periodic review periods and up to a maximum of 5 years. This new incubation regime will include the payment of a fee for the general and operational costs of the IAT, by those incubated.

In this Consolidation Phase, a continuous and specific evaluation of each project will be carried out and, in any case, on an annual basis, an evaluation will be carried out of all the business projects that are hosted in the IAT. This evaluation will serve to determine the evolution and impact of your stay and justify, where appropriate, your continuity in the center as well as the convenience of introducing elements of improvement that impact its viability as a business project. A negative evaluation could come from being an initiative that does not advance or evolve; or also the opposite in the case of initiatives that are already operating in the market and all this considering the available space of the IAT, considering it preferable to accommodate the initiatives in the incubation and acceleration phases. In the case of business projects hosted at the IAT that obtain a negative evaluation without a solution for improvement and continuity, the hosting will be terminated.

After the maximum period of occupancy, or if a negative evaluation is received, the company must leave the HTI, without any further procedures being required, and without any right to compensation in its favour.

5.9.- Saving clause

The Organisation reserves the right not to accept, or to exclude from the Call, any Participant who acts fraudulently, abusively, or contrary to the spirit of the programme, the law, the rights of third parties, and/or good faith, without prejudice to the responsibilities that derive from these behaviours, which will be assumed in full by the Participant, leaving, at all times, the Organisation unharmed. In any case, the Organisation may terminate its contract with any Participant whose performance (or that of a related person) may be contrary to the reputation or good name of the Organisation or IncubAzul. Likewise, the Organisation reserves the right not to accept any Participant, either because they are not understood to have given an adequate response to questions asked them, the number of projects accepted has already reached the limit, or for any other justified reason.

The CZFC reserves the right to charge projects and initiatives belonging to consolidated companies that join the HTI for general and operational expenses.

5.10.- Legal aspects

5.10.1.- Commitments and obligations

All entrepreneurial initiatives or projects that have been chosen to participate in the acceleration program of the IAT ZONA BASE-INCUBAZUL will have the status of beneficiaries of the facilities and spaces of the Incubator, providing them with an environment to carry out their daily work, always that the socio-labor conditions and conditioning of the space itself allow it.

Access to the facilities and spaces of the Incubator will be free during the time that the business initiatives are participating in the acceleration program (incubation and acceleration phase).

The members of all the hosted projects/startups must comply with the rules of the building at all times, and may not use it for purposes other than those permitted, as well as being obliged to communicate the entry of new personnel into the project, who must be previously authorized. for access by the direction of the space.

The participant will be obliged to develop the business project at the IAT and to actively participate in the Acceleration Program, and must attend, except for duly justified reasons, the courses, events and activities proposed and especially recommended for the project being developed.

The company/start-up undertakes to participate in any communication or dissemination activities that the Cadiz Free Trade Zone may organise with the aim of promoting projects participating in the acceleration programme.

The company/startup must inform the management team of Telefónica and Incubazul of its participation in events or media. Any recording, report or graphic document that takes place during the acceleration period, inside or outside any of the acceleration space.

The Participant undertakes to comply with all labour and Social Security obligations and all necessary measures that stem from regulations concerning occupational risk prevention that apply to the physical space, COVID-19 guidelines or similar. The Participant is obliged to ensure that the Organisation is protected from any claims arising from breaches of employment law or Health and Safety regulations. In no case may the relationship between the Organisation and the Participants be considered as an employment relationship.

The Organization does not assume any responsibility towards the Participant as a result of any damages or losses that may be suffered as a result of the use of the physical Space (including the WiFi network accessible from it), as well as for the loss, subtraction, destruction or theft of objects of the Participant in the Organization's facilities. In any case, the Participant must respect the basic rules of coexistence and comply with the Responsible Business Principles of the Telefónica Group, which are currently published in the following link: and the Organizers if any.

The Participant exonerates the Organisation of liability against any labour, civil, criminal, administrative or any other claim that has its origin in the Participant's breach of the obligations indicated in this agreement, or in actions or omissions caused directly or indirectly by members of the Participant's legal entity, if applicable, who have access to the physical space.

The Participant may use the ZONA BASE- INCUBAZUL Open Future brand faithfully following the criteria and guidelines of the Organization during the duration of the Call. Otherwise, you must stop using it immediately.

5.10.2.- Industrial and intellectual property

Industrial and intellectual property:

In no case shall the Organisation hold any type of intellectual property right over the projects developed in the programme.

Image and brand rights:

With regard to sharing on social networks:

Likewise, the Participants expressly consent, through the simple act of participating in this Call, that the Organisation may use their personal names as well as that of their legal entities or of members associated with it, where appropriate, and/or their associated images and/or logos, using any means, and exclusively for corporate, advertising or promotional purposes and/or to publicise the selected project to the rest of the Participants or to the general public, through any medium or social network belonging to the Organisation, and by any entity of the Telefónica Group, without any territorial or time constraints, and without producing any remuneration in their favour.

Photographic consent:

The Participant allows himself to be photographed and that the Organization can use, reproduce, exhibit and publicly communicate the images and photographs, hereinafter the Images, or part of them in which he intervenes as a participant in the Call, for the purpose of communication and dissemination of said Call and the IAT BASE ZONE-INCUBAZUL. Likewise, the interested party accepts that the Organization will be the exclusive owner of the resulting photographs and all rights derived from them.

This authorization is understood to be granted with a broad territorial and temporal scope, so the Organization may use the Images, or part of them, in all countries of the world without geographical limitation of any kind, in the scope and purposes of communication and dissemination carried out through the website or established media, as well as on the main social networks and Internet platforms of the CZFC or companies of the organization or the Telefónica Group. All of this with the sole exception and limitation of those uses or applications that could violate the right to honor, morality and/or public order, in the terms provided in the legislation in force in each country.

Likewise, the Organization may refer to the title of the Selected Project in these media, this being the only exception to the provisions regarding confidentiality of the Call.

5.10.3.- Confidentiality

All information disclosed by the Participant or by the Organization will be “confidential information” for the purposes of the Call

Where applicable, the Participant and the Organisation, shall only use the confidential information for purposes of the selection process and shall not reveal, publish or disclose confidential information to any person or entity. The Organisation shall have the right to disclose confidential information to its employees, contractors, agents, advisors and affiliated entities, provided that it ensures that such persons or entities have a legal or contractual obligation to maintain the confidentiality of the information, in no case may the Participant disclose the information.

The limitations set forth herein shall not apply to confidential information:

  1. That it is already known by the recipient before receiving it from the disclosing party and on which there are no restrictions on its use;
  2. That it is publicly available (without any breach by the recipient);
  3. That it is legitimately received by a third-party recipient who has the right to disclose it;
  4. That it is independently developed by the recipient, without the use of any confidential information;
  5. Whose disclosure has been authorized in writing by the discloser; either
  6. That any law or by order of a competent court, stock exchange, regulatory authority, government department, or agency requires it to be disclosed. However, prior to such disclosure, the recipient shall, to the extent permitted by applicable law, consult with the disclosing party about the nature and purpose of the proposed disclosure.
5.10.4.- Protection of personal data

Who is responsible for the processing of data?

CADIZ FREE TRADE ZONE CONSORTIUM. Edificio Sede Social, Ronda de vigilancia, s/n 11011 Cádiz. Email:

The personal data we obtain:

Categories of personal data Category description
Data concerning participants or members of the commercial project team The data provided upon completion of the registration form:
Name and surname
Phone number
Profession and/or job title
Other data that may be requested during participation (image, voice ...).

How is the data obtained?

Directly from the users who complete the registration form in response to the Call.

What is the personal data used for?

To enable participation in the Call.

The table below sets out the reasons why personal data is processed, the associated legal requirements that legally allow the processing of personal data, and the categories of personal data used for the respective purposes:

Description of why the personal data is processed
('processing purpose')
Legal requirements for the purpose of processing Categories of personal data used for the processing purpose
To pursue the Call with the parties involved Consent User data
To communicate and maintain contact with participants, with the commercial purpose of providing information on products and services that are relevant to users through various channels, for example, sending out our newsletter or issuing new Calls or other related activities, such as surveys. Consent User data
To comply with legal obligations and law enforcement requests. Compliance with legal obligations User data
To comply with contractual obligations to third parties, for example, license agreements and to take appropriate action regarding reports of intellectual property infringement or inappropriate content. Legitimate interest User data
To comply with legal obligations and law enforcement requests. Legitimate interest User data
To take photographs and videos and publish them or their derivatives on any media or social network of the Organisation or its collaborating agents. Consent User data


For how long is personal data retained?

Data will be kept for as long as the Participant takes part in the Call and consent is not revoked, and subsequently for as long as required by law as well as for as long as is stipulated by the regulations in force to compel responsibility of any kind.

Who has access to the data?

In addition to the CFTZC, the following parties will have access to personal data:

Data recipient categories Reason to share
Service providers Service providers working on behalf of the Cadiz Free Trade Zone may need access to certain personal data in order to provide services related to the Call.

These companies, and other companies of the Telefónica Group, enable, among other actions, the operation of technical infrastructure, where necessary to access physical spaces, the granting of access to certain features required for the development of the Call, and help to protect and secure the systems and services; only when this activity is essential for developing the Call.

The Cadiz Free Trade Zone may also subcontract the processing of personal data to third parties located in countries other than the place where the Call is issued. In such cases, the Cadiz Free Trade Zone shall ensure that the transfer of personal data is carried out in accordance with the applicable privacy laws and, in particular, that appropriate contractual, technical and organisational measures, and the contractual clauses approved by the Commission of the European Union, are upheld.

Financing entities Data is transferred or communicated as justification to INCYDE, the entity that finances the project using ERDF funds.
The organization During the Call, the Organisation requires access to personal data in order to evaluate and select the best projects.


How do we protect personal data?

The CFTZC is committed to protecting privacy and guaranteeing compliance with the legislation on the protection of personal data. In particular, it commits to ensuring that personal information will be treated lawfully, faithfully and transparently; in response to certain explicit and legitimate purposes; only if it is adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary for the processing purpose; accurate and up-to-date; in such a way as to allow the identification of the data subject only for the time necessary for the purposes of processing; and ensuring data remains secure.

What are the rights of users?

Participants can exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion, portability, limitation or opposition by contacting, by any means that provides proof of sending and receipt, and by including a photocopy of the DNI of the relevant participant, to the following address:

CADIZ FREE TRADE ZONE CONSORTIUM. Edificio Sede Social, Ronda de vigilancia, s/n 11011 or by email to

Any complaints may be sent to the relevant monitoring authority (Spanish Data Protection Agency)


Failure to comply with any of the obligations established herein and all future obligations agreed by the Organisation, shall cause the Organisation to immediately terminate its legal relationship with the Participant.

In any case, the organization, at its sole discretion, may agree to the cessation of the physical or virtual presence of the Participant, and their right to participate and develop their Project within the Open Future Program.

This Call may be modified, interrupted, deactivated, and/or cancelled for any reason, in which case the Organisation will communicate this to the Participants, without this generating any right to a claim or compensation.

The Organization reserves the right to declare all or any of the benefits void, if no project presented deserves to be a Selected Project at its sole discretion. The organization will not be responsible for any type of expense for its participation in this Call.

The terms and conditions included in these Requirements do not constitute any obligation or contractual link for the Organisation or for the Participants, beyond what is expressly provided for therein.

These call bases and the incubation agreement will be governed by what is established therein, with the rules of Administrative Law being of supplementary application.

Against the resolutions issued throughout the selection and incubation process, an Optional Appeal for Replacement may be filed within a period of one month, before the CZFC and if no express resolution is issued within a period of one month from the filing of the appeal, it will be deemed to have been rejected due to administrative silence, leaving the contentious-administrative route open, or you may directly file a Contentious-Administrative Appeal, within a period of two months, counting the deadlines from the day following the day of notification of this Resolution. , not being able to combine both Resources and without prejudice to any other that it deems appropriate.

The contentious-administrative jurisdictional order will be competent to resolve any disputes that may arise regarding this contract, with both parties submitting to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Cádiz.


The IAT INCUBAZUL BASE ZONE facility is provisionally located in the Interior Precinct of the Free Trade Zone, Europa Building, 5th Floor, until the completion of the construction of the definitive IAT facilities.

This plant has the following rooms:

  • Meeting rooms, Blue room and open room; They will be closed spaces for multipurpose use where the acceleration methodology will be developed, as a meeting and joint work space. It has the following equipment, meeting tables and chairs for 15 people, a 50-inch presentation screen connected via HDMI to the table and internet connection.
  • Agora: Open space for work and group activities. This area occupies approx. 130m2 and will be used as the auditorium and meeting point for all the participants of the initiative, as well as the place where the open events will be held. The space is equipped to host joint sessions for all companies represented in the Incubator and has stands/furniture large enough to seat everyone who works in the facilities, protection screens, a videowall, wall-mounted PCs/tablets, audio and microphone equipment, easy projection by computer, and internet connection.
  • coworking workspace/hub; workspace for entrepreneurs, teams and startups.


The Facilities described in ANNEX 1 have the following services:

  • WIFI.
  • Furniture.
  • Computers/Tablets.
  • 50-inch screen for presentations.
  • Audio/microphone equipment.
  • Vending machines.
  • Blackboards.
  • Printer.
  • Electricity and water services.
  • Personalised advice and follow-up.
  • Mentoring plan.
  • Training and capacity-building activities.
  • Programme of activities, events, meetings and gatherings.
  • Support for access to finance.
  • Networking events
  • Internationalisation programme and help with grant-seeking.
  • Technological Space/Laboratory.
  • Blue-demolab demonstration spaces.
  • Large meeting hall