Algeciras will host a course on decarbonization of the maritime-port sector

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Algeciras will host a course on decarbonization of the maritime-port sector

The Port Authority of the Bay of Algeciras (APBA) has signed a collaboration agreement with the Mediterranean Ports Association (MEDPorts) to organize a course focused on the decarbonization of the maritime-port sector. The signing of the agreement took place in Malta, with the presence of Gerardo Landaluce, president of the APBA, and Pino Musolino, president of MEDPorts.

The course will be held in Algeciras on October 14 and 15 and will feature the participation of prominent international speakers. This initiative is part of the commitment of the APBA with the training and qualification of professionals in the port sector, considered essential for competitiveness and the future of the Port of Algeciras.

Gerardo Landaluce has highlighted the importance of this collaboration not only with MEDPorts, but also with the University of Cádiz, whose contribution has been essential to the development of this project. The course will seek to provide professionals in the sector with the necessary tools and knowledge to face the challenges of decarbonization, a key aspect in the sustainability of maritime transport.

Carrying out this course in Algeciras reinforces the port's role as a benchmark in innovation and sustainability within the port field.


Sources: The Digital Strait